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Rakuten Advertising Launches Expanded Real-Time Multi-Touch Attribution Offering with Probabilistic Measurement


San Mateo, CA, July 6, 2021 — Attribution is becoming more pertinent as advertisers expand their reach into new channels and strategies to engage consumers across devices and platforms.  

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so does the commitment of Rakuten Advertising in providing our clients with an accurate, unbiased view of performance across their marketing channels. Understanding and identifying key touch points throughout the consumer journey that influence, engage and ultimately drive conversions is crucial for advertisers in understanding how to maximize their investment, and best reach customers across platforms, devices, and strategies.  

That’s why we’re partnering with LeadsRx, a leading marketing attribution software that provides marketers with insights and technology to understand performance across all channels, including both online and offline.  

For our clients, the partnership with LeadsRx means improved efficiency, simplicity and an unbiased view into campaign performance. Benefits for advertisers include:  

Attribution Models
There are seven real-time attribution models advertisers can toggle between in the LeadsRx platform:  

  • First touch: Credit for the conversion is granted to the first touchpoint that the consumer encountered.  
  • Last touch: The last touchpoint made by the consumer prior to conversion receives credit  
  • Closer touch: Assigns credit for the conversion to the last touchpoint only if it occurs within a predefined time period. The default period is 2-minutes, thought this can be changed to any value appropriate for your company.  
  • Any touch: Also known as the ‘influencer attribution’ assigns credit to all touch points giving each one full point. LeadsRx does not weight one touchpoint any more importantly than another, and the total number of conversions may be greater than the actual count.  
  • Linear multi-touch: Each touchpoint is assigned a fraction of the attribution. As an example, if a conversion path has 5 touch points, then each is given 20% credit.  
  • Weighted multi-touch: First and last touch points are each given 40% of the attribution credit, while all other touch points divide the remaining 20% evenly.  
  • Algorithmic multi-touch (customized to each advertiser): The platforms algorithmic model assigns weight to each touchpoint based on their past performance. The system looks at both positive and negative outcomes of touch points contribution to conversions. Additionally, the frequency of a touchpoint is taken into consideration in the algorithm making this model particularly well-suited for brand advertising as opposed to direct-response advertising. 

Unbiased View
Partnering with LeadsRx provides an unbiased view of marketing activity while offering the same great actionable insights our clients are used to receiving. Additionally, LeadsRx elevates our existing offering and provides additional features such as the ability to integrate offline channels and toggle between seven attribution models in real-time.

Demonstrate the Impact of a Full-Funnel Strategy
Ensure publishes and strategies that initiate and influence consumer behavior are valued and enables account managers to make strategic recommendations based on actionable data. With on-demand access, advertisers can view their data to make optimizations and strategic decisions based on consumer behavior throughout the customer journey.    

Platform Insights & Features
The customized platform provides insights to traditional performance metrics used across Rakuten Advertising channels such as visits, costs, AOV and ROAS, in addition to detailed customer journey and cross-channel insights including: 

  • Multi-channel reporting dashboard.
  • Incrementality, both within and across channels. 
  • Attributed versus last-click revenue and orders.
  • New user visits at a cookie level and overall.
  • Real-time attribution models and a cohort analysis providing custom views of groupings including customers status, channel or publisher type. 

Rapid Launch Process 
With no client development work required to enable the LeadsRx platform for client using our Performance Tag, integration and launch can be completed in as a little as two-weeks.  

With our comprehensive attribution solution, Rakuten Advertising enables clients to better understand consumer behavior and make more intelligent decisions, based on actionable data to maximize their marketing investment.  

For more information, reach out to your Rakuten Advertising account representative or visit rakutenadvertising.com and speak to an expert today.  

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About Rakuten Advertising

Rakuten Advertising connects leading agencies, brands and publishers to active and engaged consumers around the world. With access to Rakuten’s diverse media properties and audiences, combined with an award-winning performance network and proprietary consumer research, Rakuten Advertising creates the right conditions to reach new customers and sustain long-lasting loyalty. Its foundation of advanced technology, data and strategic services positions Rakuten Advertising to offer a differentiated suite of marketing and advertising solutions while continually pushing the industry forward. It is a division of Rakuten Inc. (4755: TOKYO), one of the world’s leading Internet service companies. The company is headquartered in San Mateo, CA, with offices throughout EMEA, APAC, LATAM and North America.

About LeadsRx

A fast innovator and a marketer’s choice for 5,000-plus global and local brands and agencies, LeadsRx is an unrivalled multi-touch attribution SaaS platform. Powered by a unique Universal Conversion Tracking Pixel™, LeadsRx provides an impartial view of customer journeys, giving each advertising touchpoint proper weight and credit including broadcast media. Founded by marketers, LeadsRx enables companies of any size to elevate marketing performance in a framework that is easily understood delivering sustainable return on ad spend (ROAS). To learn more about how LeadsRx can support you in marketing transformation visit LeadsRx.com. Connect with LeadsRx on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

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