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The How and Why of Facebook Dynamic Ads

Facebook is constantly expanding its advertising offerings by creating new features to help advertisers get the most out of the platform. One such feature is Facebook dynamic ads.

So, what are they and how do they work? And why you need them to help you meet your marketing goals? Let’s explore.

What Are Facebook Dynamic Ads?

Facebook dynamic ads allow advertisers to automatically display relevant products to the right people at the right time.

The platform uses machine learning to track a user’s behavior and create a custom ad experience using any of the products or services in your product catalog that they previously viewed or expressed interest in.

However, instead of setting up ad sets for each of your products manually, you can create a single catalog with all your products and services and then set up one campaign to drive sales to your products using highly personalized recommendations.

How Do They Work?

Facebook automatically generates a dynamic ad for a user each time they express interest in any of the items in your catalog.

For example, if someone visits a particular site, Facebook will track them and then show them ads that match the items they looked at or expressed interest in on that website.

You can use these types of ads in two ways: For broad audiences, targeting consumers who have not yet visited your site; or for targeting previous visitors who came to your site or social media page and made inquiries, but left without converting.

Why Use Them?

Facebook’s dynamic ads allow you to connect with 2.8 billion monthly active users. They’re perfect for anyone who is serious about making money online, and you can use them to drive endless streams of leads and customers to your websites and apps.

Of course, you might use other methods to drive a steady stream of customers, such as video marketing or email marketing. But, none of these tactics are as effective as Facebook dynamic ads when it comes to generating quick results and a high return on investment (ROI).

Also, these types of ads allow you to better engage past visitors and buyers. The ads transcend all borders and languages, allowing you to remind visitors of products.

The best part is, the ads are optimized to help you target users across different devices and the massive Facebook ecosystem. For instance, if someone viewed items at a lingerie store on a laptop, and then continued browsing on a mobile device, they would still be shown the same ads on Facebook, Messenger, the Audience Network and Instagram.

Yet another reason to use Facebook dynamic ads is that they allow you to send targeted social media traffic to your app or website product pages. For instance, you can use dynamic ads to attract qualified leads that are more likely to convert.

Use Case #1: Retargeting Previous Visitors

You can use Facebook’s retargeting features to target people who have previously shown interest in your website or app by reading your posts, clicking a link, watching your social media videos or taking any other action.

This is designed to encourage potential customers to click back to your website and, hopefully, make a purchase.

Use Case #2: Attracting New Audiences

Facebook dynamic ads allow you to automatically advertise the most relevant products in your catalog.

Trying to create the ads and links for dozens of products manually would be extremely hard, especially for a large site with many different products.

Use Case #3: Upselling, Cross-Selling or Excluding Past Visitors

Once someone has purchased an item from your product catalog, you can exclude them so they aren’t served the same ad again. Facebook dynamic ads also allow you to upsell and cross-sell to past buyers, which is an effective way to boost your average order and customer lifetime value.

How to Create Facebook Dynamic Ads

Step #1: Create a Facebook page

Step #2: Create a business manager account

Step #3: Create your catalog. To get started, simply go to Commerce Manager, and click “Get Started”.

Select “+Add Catalog” and follow the prompts to start creating your catalog.

Step #4: Install a Facebook pixel or SDK

Step #5: Connect your SDK or pixel to your catalog to collect ecommerce data

Step #6: Create your Facebook dynamic ad

You can check out Facebook’s Business Help Center to find out more about these third-party integrations.

Pro Tip: Facebook has strict rules regarding product images. If you don’t have the skills to take professional photos of your products, hire a freelancer from one of the many platforms online.


Today, there’s more competition than ever to get in front of the eyes of your target audience. That’s why you need tactics like remarketing and Facebook dynamic ads to help you cut through the noise, increase your conversion rates and boost your bottom line.

Burkhard Berger is the founder of Awesomex

The post The How and Why of Facebook Dynamic Ads appeared first on Multichannel Merchant.

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